Contact us: 0895 538 785
Pulse Arena is located at Sofia, 4 km. ‘Tsarigradsko Shose’ blvd.This location is extremely convenient and easy to get to via public transportation or personal vehicle through two of the main boulevards in the capital – ‘Tsarigradsko shose’ blvd and ‘Dr.G.M.Dimitrov’ blvd.
Pulse Arena will fascinate you with its unique boutique interior. Every detail speaks of the perfectionism typical for the Pulse brand. This sports center combines in a perfect way vastness, light and modern design and its total area is more than 3500 square meters.
If you live or work near the metro station "G.M. Dimitrov" or travel along "Tsarigradsko shose" blvd often, this gym is the place where you can benefit from training, group activities and spa daily.