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Hatha and Vinyasa in Pulse. Yoga is a gymnastic program that puts an equal focus on body and mind. Yoga exercises are as ancient as the world and are called "asanas". Typical of these are the pursuit of body coordination and spiritual balance, without excessive emphasis on performance intensity. Just standing and maintaining balance during posture increases muscle strength and flexibility, strengthens the joints and improves the cardiovascular system.  Combined with various inhalation and exhalation techniques, this physical load leads to warming the body from inside, helping to get excess toxins and water, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and facilitates the work of the organs. 

Yoga is both an individual and group experience.

Each of the yoga participants looks at themselves, looking for balance and tranquillity, but when it happens in the company of their own, the result is the achievement of absolute harmony with the world.

If you're looking for yoga in Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora or Burgas, Pulse is the place for you.

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Yoga - Hatha/Vinyasa
  • Duration of workout 60-90 MIN.
  • Load level LOW
  • Suitable for BEGINNERS
  • Calories burnt for one workout 285